92 research outputs found

    Complete mitochondrial genome of the Verticillium-wilt causing plant pathogen Verticillium nonalfalfae

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    Verticillium nonalfalfae is a fungal plant pathogen that causes wilt disease by colonizing the vascular tissues of host plants. The disease induced by hop isolates of V. nonalfalfae manifests in two different forms, ranging from mild symptoms to complete plant dieback, caused by mild and lethal pathotypes, respectively. Pathogenicity variations between the causal strains have been attributed to differences in genomic sequences and perhaps also to differences in their mitochondrial genomes. We used data from our recent Illumina NGS-based project of genome sequencing V. nonalfalfae to study the mitochondrial genomes of its different strains. The aim of the research was to prepare a V. nonalfalfae reference mitochondrial genome and to determine its phylogenetic placement in the fungal kingdom. The resulting 26,139 bp circular DNA molecule contains a full complement of the 14 "standard" fungal mitochondrial protein-coding genes of the electron transport chain and ATP synthase subunits, together with a small rRNA subunit, a large rRNA subunit, which contains ribosomal protein S3 encoded within a type IA-intron and 26 tRNAs. Phylogenetic analysis of this mitochondrial genome placed it in the Verticillium spp. lineage in the Glomerellales group, which is also supported by previous phylogenetic studies based on nuclear markers. The clustering with the closely related Verticillium dahliae mitochondrial genome showed a very conserved synteny and a high sequence similarity. Two distinguishing mitochondrial genome features were also found-a potential long non-coding RNA (orf414) contained only in the Verticillium spp. of the fungal kingdom, and a specific fragment length polymorphism observed only in V. dahliae and V. nubilum of all the Verticillium spp., thus showing potential as a species specific biomarker

    Влияние стандартных схем противоязвенной терапии на клинико-лабораторные показатели у пациентов с язвенной болезнью двенадцатиперстной кишки

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    При изучении влияния стандартных схем квадритерапии второй линии на динамику клинико−лабораторных показателей у пациентов с язвенной болезнью двенадцатиперстной кишки установлено, что схемы с омепразолом, де−нолом, амоксициллином, тетрациклином и омепразолом, де−нолом, тетрациклином, метронидазолом одинаково влияют на динамику клинических симптомов и частоту эрадикации H. рylori. Однако первая схема более эффективно воздействует на нарушенные механизмы синтеза защитного слизистого барьера и процессы регенерации, что способствует более высокой частоте рубцевания язвы.При вивченні впливу стандартних схем квадрітерапії другої лінії на динаміку клініко−лабораторних показників у пацієнтів із виразковою хворобою дванадцятипалої кишки встановлено, що схеми з омепразолом, де−нолом, амоксициліном, тетрацикліном та омепразолом, де−нолом, тетрацикліном, метронідазолом однаково впливають на динаміку клінічних симптомів і частоту ерадикації H. рylori. Однак перша схема ефективніше впливає на порушені механізми синтезу захисного слизового бар'єру і процеси регенерації, що сприяє більш високій частоті рубцювання виразки.The investigation of the effect of standard schemes of second−line quadritherapy on the dynamics of clinical and laboratory parameters in patients with duodenal ulcer disease revealed that the scheme with Omeprazole, De−Nol, Amoxicillin, Tetracycline and Omeprazole De−Nol, Tetracycline, Metronidazole influence equally the dynamics of clinical symptoms and frequency of eradication of H. pylori. However, the first scheme more effectively influenced the disorders in the mechanism of synthesis of protective mucus barrier and regeneration processes, which contributed to the high frequency of ulcer cicatrisation

    Microbes to support plant health: understanding bioinoculant success in complex conditions

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    A promising, sustainable way to enhance plant health and productivity is by leveraging beneficial microbes. Beneficial microbes are natural soil residents with proven benefits for plant performance and health. When applied in agriculture to improve crop yield and performance, these microbes are commonly referred to as bioinoculants. Yet, despite their promising properties, bioinoculant efficacy can vary dramatically in the field, hampering their applicability. Invasion of the rhizosphere microbiome is a critical determinant for bioinoculant success. Invasion is a complex phenomenon that is shaped by interactions with the local, resident microbiome and the host plant. Here, we explore all of these dimensions by cross-cutting ecological theory and molecular biology of microbial invasion in the rhizosphere. We refer to the famous Chinese philosopher and strategist Sun Tzu, who believed that solutions for problems require deep understanding of the problems themselves, to review the major biotic factors determining bioinoculant effectiveness

    Complete mitochondrial genome of the Verticillium-wilt causing plant pathogen Verticillium nonalfalfae

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    Verticillium nonalfalfae is a fungal plant pathogen that causes wilt disease by colonizing the vascular tissues of host plants. The disease induced by hop isolates of V. nonalfalfae manifests in two different forms, ranging from mild symptoms to complete plant dieback, caused by mild and lethal pathotypes, respectively. Pathogenicity variations between the causal strains have been attributed to differences in genomic sequences and perhaps also to differences in their mitochondrial genomes. We used data from our recent Illumina NGS-based project of genome sequencing V. nonalfalfae to study the mitochondrial genomes of its different strains. The aim of the research was to prepare a V. nonalfalfae reference mitochondrial genome and to determine its phylogenetic placement in the fungal kingdom. The resulting 26,139 bp circular DNA molecule contains a full complement of the 14 "standard" fungal mitochondrial protein-coding genes of the electron transport chain and ATP synthase subunits, together with a small rRNA subunit, a large rRNA subunit, which contains ribosomal protein S3 encoded within a type IA-intron and 26 tRNAs. Phylogenetic analysis of this mitochondrial genome placed it in the Verticillium spp. lineage in the Glomerellales group, which is also supported by previous phylogenetic studies based on nuclear markers. The clustering with the closely related Verticillium dahliae mitochondrial genome showed a very conserved synteny and a high sequence similarity. Two distinguishing mitochondrial genome features were also found—a potential long non-coding RNA (orf414) contained only in the Verticillium spp. of the fungal kingdom, and a specific fragment length polymorphism observed only in V. dahliae and V. nubilum of all the Verticillium spp., thus showing potential as a species specific biomarker.The mitochondrial genome sequence is available from the Genbank database (accession number KR704425). NGS sequencing data are available in the SRA database (Bioproject PRJNA283258).Supporting Information: S1 Fig. Secondary structures of predicted tRNA molecules. (TIF)Supporting Information: S2 Fig. Alignment of V. nonalfalfae reads to the V. dahliae mitochondrial genome. (TIF)Supporting Information: S1 File. BLAST results of orf414 analysis. (DOC)Supporting Information: Mitochondrial genome of Verticillium nonalfalfae PLOS ONE | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0148525 February 3, 2016 14 / 18 S1 Table. V. nonalfalfae codon usage statistics. (DOC) S2 Table. Collection of Verticillium species included in analysis of the mitochondrial length polymorphism. (XLS) Remove selectedSupporting Information: Mitochondrial genome of Verticillium nonalfalfae PLOS ONE | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0148525 February 3, 2016 14 / 18Supporting Information: S2 Table. Collection of Verticillium species included in analysis of the mitochondrial length polymorphism. (XLS)Supporting Information: S1 Table. V. nonalfalfae codon usage statistics. (DOC)VJ received the grant - Javni sklad Republike Slovenije za razvoj kadrov in štipendije - 163. JR (http://www.sklad-kadri.si) BJ received the grant - Javna agencija za raziskovalno dejavnost Republike Slovenije - P4-0077 (www.arrs.gov.si)http://www.plosone.orgam2016Genetic

    Molecular and evolutionary basis of O-antigenic polysaccharide driven phage sensitivity in environmental pseudomonads

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    Pseudomonas protegens CHA0, a bacterial strain able to suppress plant pathogens as well as efficiently kill lepidopteran pest insects, has been studied as biocontrol agent to prevent ensuing agricultural damage. However, the success of this method is dependent on the efficient plant colonization by the bacterial inoculant while it faces competition from the resident microbiota as well as predators such as bacteriophages. One of these naturally occurring phages, ΦGP100, was found to drastically reduce the abundance of CHA0 once inoculated into plant microcosms, resulting in the loss of plant protection against a phytopathogen. Here, we investigated the molecular determinants implicated in the interaction between CHA0 and the phage ΦGP100 using a high-density transposon-sequencing approach. We show that lipopolysaccharide cell surface decorations, specifically the longer OBC3-type O-antigenic polysaccharide (O-PS, O-antigen) of the two dominant O-PS of CHA0 is essential for the attachment and infection of ΦGP100. Moreover, when exploring the distribution of the OBC3 cluster in bacterial genomes, we identified several parts of this gene cluster that are conserved in phylogenetically distant bacteria. Through heterologous complementation, we integrated an OBC3-type gene copy from a phylogenetically distant bacterium and were able to restore the phage sensitivity of a CHA0 mutant which lacked the ability to form long O-PS. Finally, we evidence that the OBC3 gene cluster of CHA0 displays a high genomic plasticity and likely underwent several horizontal acquisitions and genomic rearrangements. Collectively, this study underlines the complexity of phage-bacteria interaction and the multifunctional aspect of bacterial cell surface decorations

    Growth rate is a dominant factor predicting the rhizosphere effect

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    The root microbiome is shaped by plant root activity, which selects specific microbial taxa from the surrounding soil. This influence on the microorganisms and soil chemistry in the immediate vicinity of the roots has been referred to as the rhizosphere effect. Understanding the traits that make bacteria successful in the rhizosphere is critical for developing sustainable agriculture solutions. In this study, we compared the growth rate potential, a complex trait that can be predicted from bacterial genome sequences, to functional traits encoded by proteins. We analyzed 84 paired rhizosphere- and soil-derived 16S rRNA gene amplicon datasets from 18 different plants and soil types, performed differential abundance analysis, and estimated growth rates for each bacterial genus. We found that bacteria with higher growth rate potential consistently dominated the rhizosphere, and this trend was confirmed in different bacterial phyla using genome sequences of 3270 bacterial isolates and 6707 metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) from 1121 plant- and soil-associated metagenomes. We then identified which functional traits were enriched in MAGs according to their niche or growth rate status. We found that predicted growth rate potential was the main feature for differentiating rhizosphere and soil bacteria in machine learning models, and we then analyzed the features that were important for achieving faster growth rates, which makes bacteria more competitive in the rhizosphere. As growth rate potential can be predicted from genomic data, this work has implications for understanding bacterial community assembly in the rhizosphere, where many uncultivated bacteria reside

    Copiotrophs dominate rhizosphere microbiomes and growth rate potential is a major factor explaining the rhizosphere effect

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    The structure and function of the root microbial community is shaped by plant root activity, enriching specific microbial taxa and functions from the surrounding soil as the plant root grows. Knowledge of bacterial rhizosphere competence traits are important for predictive microbiome modeling and the development of viable bioinoculants for sustainable agriculture solutions. In this work we compared growth rate potential, a complex trait that recently became predictable from bacterial genome sequences, to functional traits encoded by proteins. We analyzed 84 paired rhizosphere- and soil-derived 16S rRNA metabarcoding datasets from 18 different plants and soil types, performed differential abundance analyses and estimated growth rates for each bacterial genus. This analysis revealed that bacteria with a high growth rate potential consistently dominated the rhizosphere. Next, we analyzed the genome sequences of 3270 bacterial isolates and 6707 MAGs from 1121 plant- and soil-associated metagenomes, confirming this trend in different bacterial phyla. We next investigated which functional traits were enriched in the rhizosphere, expanding the catalog of rhizosphere-associated traits with hundreds of new functions. When we compared the importance of different functional categories to the predicted growth rate potential using a machine learning model, we found that growth rate potential was the main feature for differentiating rhizosphere and soil bacteria, revealing the broad importance of this factor for explaining the rhizosphere effect. Together, we contribute new understanding of the bacterial traits needed for rhizosphere competence. As this trait may be inferred from (meta-) genome data, our work has implications for understanding bacterial community assembly in the rhizosphere, where many uncultivated bacteria reside

    Seed tuber imprinting shapes the next-generation potato microbiome

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    Potato seed tubers are colonized and inhabited by soil-borne microbes, some of which can positively or negatively impact the performance of the emerging daughter plant in the next season. In this study, we investigated the intergenerational inheritance of microbiota from seed tubers to next-season daughter plants by amplicon sequencing of bacterial and fungal microbiota associated with tubers and roots of two seed potato genotypes produced in six different fields. We observed that field of production and potato genotype significantly affected the seed tuber microbiome composition and that these differences persisted during winter storage of the seed tubers. When seed tubers from different production fields were planted in a single trial field, the microbiomes of daughter tubers and roots of the emerging plants could still be distinguished according to the field of origin of the seed tuber. Remarkably, we found little evidence of direct vertical inheritance of field-unique microbes from the seed tuber to the daughter tubers or roots. Hence, we hypothesize that this intergenerational memory is imprinted in the seed tuber, resulting in differential microbiome assembly strategies depending on the field of production of the seed tuber

    Cell-type-specific transcriptomics reveals that root hairs and endodermal barriers play important roles in beneficial plant-rhizobacterium interactions

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    Growth- and health-promoting bacteria can boost crop productivity in a sustainable way. Pseudomonas simiae WCS417 is such a bacterium that efficiently colonizes roots, modifies the architecture of the root system to increase its size, and induces systemic resistance to make plants more resistant to pests and pathogens. Our previous work suggested that WCS417-induced phenotypes are controlled by root cell-type-specific mechanisms. However, it remains unclear how WCS417 affects these mechanisms. In this study, we transcriptionally profiled five Arabidopsis thaliana root cell types following WCS417 colonization. We found that the cortex and endodermis have the most differentially expressed genes, even though they are not in direct contact with this epiphytic bacterium. Many of these genes are associated with reduced cell wall biogenesis, and mutant analysis suggests that this downregulation facilitates WCS417-driven root architectural changes. Furthermore, we observed elevated expression of suberin biosynthesis genes and increased deposition of suberin in the endodermis of WCS417-colonized roots. Using an endodermal barrier mutant, we showed the importance of endodermal barrier integrity for optimal plant-beneficial bacterium association. Comparison of the transcriptome profiles in the two epidermal cell types that are in direct contact with WCS417—trichoblasts that form root hairs and atrichoblasts that do not—implies a difference in potential for defense gene activation. While both cell types respond to WCS417, trichoblasts displayed both higher basal and WCS417-dependent activation of defense-related genes compared with atrichoblasts. This suggests that root hairs may activate root immunity, a hypothesis that is supported by differential immune responses in root hair mutants. Taken together, these results highlight the strength of cell-type-specific transcriptional profiling to uncover “masked” biological mechanisms underlying beneficial plant-microbe associations